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本文摘要:Growth in smartphone shipments is expected to slow substantially this year, as shipments to China, the world’s largest market for the devices, increase by just 1 per cent from last year.由于放往中国的智能手机数量比去年只快速增长了1%,今年全球智能手机出货量增长速度预计不会大幅度上升。

Growth in smartphone shipments is expected to slow substantially this year, as shipments to China, the world’s largest market for the devices, increase by just 1 per cent from last year.由于放往中国的智能手机数量比去年只快速增长了1%,今年全球智能手机出货量增长速度预计不会大幅度上升。目前,中国是智能手机的全球仅次于市场。Worldwide, smartphone shipments are forecast to grow 10.4 per cent in 2015 to 1.44bn units, according to the International Data Corporation, falling from 27.5 per cent growth in 2014. IDC announced a cut in its forecast, which was previously for a 11.3 per cent rise across the globe.根据国际数据公司(IDC)的数据,在全球范围内,预计2015年智能手机出货量将快速增长10.4%,超过14.4亿部。

这一增长幅度高于2014年的27.5%。而IDC曾宣告上调这一预计数字,此前该机构曾预测全球增长幅度为11.3%。IDC forecasts a big drop in growth in China, which received almost a third of all new smartphone shipments in 2014, with an increase of only 1.2 per cent year-on-year in 2015, down from 19.7 per cent in 2014.IDC预计,中国市场的增长幅度将大幅度下降,2015年同比增长幅度将只有1.2%,大大高于2014年的19.7%。

2014年,全球新的销售的智能手机曾有将近三分之一放往中国。The widely followed forecasts were published a day after Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, insisted the iPhone maker was experiencing “strong growth” in China throughout July and August.就在这一颇受注目的预期数字公布前一天,苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆錠克(Tim Cook)曾否认,在整个七月和八月,这家iPhone制造商曾在中国经历“强大快速增长”。

(《库克一封邮件为苹果挽救780亿美元市值》,FT中文网公开发表于2015年8月25日)IDC does not break out an estimate for iPhone growth in China.IDC未发布对iPhone在华增长幅度的估算。Ryan Reith, programme director at IDC, said domestic growth overall in smartphones in China was slowing “significantly”. China would remain the largest market for smartphone volumes for some time but its market share was expected to fall to 23.1 per cent in 2019, according to IDC.IDC项目主任瑞安里思(Ryan Reith)回应,智能手机在中国国内的总体增长速度正在“明显”上升。根据IDC的众说纷纭,中国在一段时间内还将是智能手机销量的第一大市场,不过它的市场份额预计不会在2019年下滑至23.1%。“India has captured a lot of the attention that China previously received and it’s now the market with the most potential upside,” he said. “The interesting thing to watch will be the possibility of manufacturing moving from China and Vietnam over to India.”他说道:“印度已将中国此前曾接到的许多注意力更有过去。


”IDC forecast Android would maintain more than 80 per cent of the global market as far out as 2019, as the markets with the biggest growth opportunity remain “extremely price sensitive”.IDC预计,远达2019年,Android仍将占有全球市场逾80%的份额,因为享有仅次于快速增长机遇的市场仍“对价格极端脆弱”。“This isn’t to suggest that Apple’s success with the iPhone won’t continue, and IDC believes its efforts to maintain significantly higher margins compared to its competitors are much more valuable than chasing share,” the IDC report said.IDC的报告回应:“这并不是说道苹果在iPhone上获得的顺利无法持续。而且,IDC坚信,相比执着市场份额,苹果保持比较其输掉低得多的利润率要更加有价值。

”Larger smartphones — often dubbed “phablets” because they appear to be a cross between a phone and a tablet — are forecast to grow 84 per cent in 2015, compared with last year, after Apple delivered the larger iPhone 6+. These devices, with display screens from 5.5 to 6 inches, are forecast to make up more than 70 per cent of smartphone shipments by 2019.在苹果公布屏幕更大的iPhone 6 Plus之后,2015年大屏手机预计不会比去年快速增长84%。由于这种大屏手机或许是介于手机和平板电脑之间的产品,它们往往被称作“平板手机”(phablet)。这类手机的显示屏在5.5英寸到6英寸之间,预计到2019年以前,它们不会占到智能手机出货量的多达70%。

