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本文摘要:As a technology firm, Apple spends much of its time reimagining the future, but it also likes to pay tribute to its past. Back in 1984 Steve Jobs, with a luminous mane of black hair, double-breasted suit and green bowtie, commanded the stage at Flint Performing Arts Centre near Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino to show off the new Macintosh computer. On September 9th Mr Jobs’ successor, Tim Cook, balding and in blue jeans, held his own performance in the same location. It was the most significant showcase of Apple’s determination to wow the world since 1984. To thunderous applause, Mr Cook showed off two new iPhones, one of them is a wearable device, which it calls the Apple Watch.作为一个科技型公司,苹果花酬劳了过于多的时间来新的设计未来,但对过去的产品,他们依旧充满著万分的崇敬。

As a technology firm, Apple spends much of its time reimagining the future, but it also likes to pay tribute to its past. Back in 1984 Steve Jobs, with a luminous mane of black hair, double-breasted suit and green bowtie, commanded the stage at Flint Performing Arts Centre near Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino to show off the new Macintosh computer. On September 9th Mr Jobs’ successor, Tim Cook, balding and in blue jeans, held his own performance in the same location. It was the most significant showcase of Apple’s determination to wow the world since 1984. To thunderous applause, Mr Cook showed off two new iPhones, one of them is a wearable device, which it calls the Apple Watch.作为一个科技型公司,苹果花酬劳了过于多的时间来新的设计未来,但对过去的产品,他们依旧充满著万分的崇敬。返回想1984年的史蒂芬乔布斯,一头乌黑而又暗淡的头发,穿著绿色纽扣、双排扣西装的他,在库比蒂诺市,坐落于苹果总部附近的弗林特表演艺术中心的舞台上向世界展出了麦金塔电脑。


