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本文摘要:China has overtaken Europe by building hundreds of thousands of masts to carry superfast 4G mobile signals and western executives are warning that the country will pull further ahead with plans to more than double construction this year.中国4G移动基站的建设已多达欧洲,该国正在建设数十万座支撑超高速4G移动信号的基站。

China has overtaken Europe by building hundreds of thousands of masts to carry superfast 4G mobile signals and western executives are warning that the country will pull further ahead with plans to more than double construction this year.中国4G移动基站的建设已多达欧洲,该国正在建设数十万座支撑超高速4G移动信号的基站。西方移动行业高管警告称之为,中国今年计划将基站建设不断扩大一倍以上,其领先优势将更进一步不断扩大。While the take-up of 4G services in China lags behind the rollout of base stations – given services only became commercially available last month – the scale of the infrastructure building underlines the country’s ambitions for the future.尽管中国4G服务的普及领先于基站部署(4G商用服务上月才打开),但4G基础设施的建设规模凸显中国对未来的雄心。

China Mobile became the country’s first 4G operator in December last year and it built about 200,000 base stations before the launch. This is already more than are deployed across all of Europe, according to analysts at HSBC and CCS Insight. China Mobile’s network covers as many as 500m people across the major cities on the country’s east coast.中国移动(China Mobile)去年12月沦为中国首家4G运营商。在发售4G服务前,中国移动辟了大约20万座基站。汇丰(HSBC)和CCS Insight的分析师回应,这个数量已多达仅有欧洲现有的基站数量。

中国移动的网络覆盖了中国东部沿海主要城市,覆盖面积人口多达5亿人。China Telecom and China Unicom are also building smaller 4G networks. Up to 1m 4G masts could be built in China by the end of 2014, according to equipment makers.中国电信(China Telecom)和中国联通(China Unicom)也在建设规模较小的4G网络。电信设备制造商们回应,到2014年底,中国有可能竣工多达100万座4G基站。

At last month’s annual Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, executives from European mobile operators expressed worries that the combination of regulatory constraints and sluggish economic growth would curtail construction of 4G networks in the continent.在上月的年度巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上,欧洲移动运营商的高管们称之为,他们担忧监管容许和经济快速增长低迷不会诱导欧洲4G网络的建设。Also in Barcelona, Wei Zaisheng, finance director for ZTE, the Chinese state-owned equipment maker, said that there could be as many as 1m 4G base stations in China by the end of the year, from close to 300,000 today, as groups “speeded up construction”. China represented about 60 per cent of the market for new 4G masts, he said. “China is leading 4G compared to Europe.”中国国有电信设备制造商中兴通讯(ZTE)的财务总监韦在胜也参加了巴塞罗那的大会。他回应,随着运营商“减缓建设速度”,到今年年底,中国4G基站数量可能会由目前的将近30万座减至多达100万。

他说道,中国占到新建4G基站市场的大约六成,“领先于欧洲”。Three industry executives said they were expecting a second tender from China Mobile for about 500,000 base stations this year. Equipment-maker executives predicted that China Telecom would order up to 250,000 masts this year.三位业内高管回应,他们预计中国移动今年将进行第二轮招标,建设约50万座基站。设备制造商的高管们预计,中国电信今年采购的基站将多达25万座。Neelie Kroes, Europe’s digital commissioner, has also emphasised the need to accelerate 4G rollout, and has recently shifted the focus to developing the next stage of mobile networks with so-called “5G” technology.欧盟数字议程专员内莉克勒斯(Neelie Kroes)也特别强调必须减缓4G的部署,并在最近将关注点改向了研发下一代移动网络,即所谓的“5G”技术。

Only a third of Chinese households have broadband connections, say brokerage CLSA data.券商里昂证券(CLSA)的数据表明,只有三分之一的中国家庭有宽带相连。

