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本文摘要:Time is money. And if you are spending your time staring at a mobile phone, then that is where the money is. Advertisers know that – eMarketer expects ad spending on mobiles to grow 92 per cent this year. But the mobile gaming world is struggling to win its fair share of those ad dollars.时间就是金钱。

Time is money. And if you are spending your time staring at a mobile phone, then that is where the money is. Advertisers know that – eMarketer expects ad spending on mobiles to grow 92 per cent this year. But the mobile gaming world is struggling to win its fair share of those ad dollars.时间就是金钱。如果你花上时间盯着手机看,那就是潜在的盈利机会。

广告商告诉这个道理——市场研究公司eMarketer预测今年手机广告开支将快速增长92%。但移动游戏行业或许无法谋求到其中的合理份额。Android users spend a third of their device time playing games, says Flurry, an analytics company owned by Yahoo. By comparison, Facebook gets 17 per cent of phone time. But advertising in mobile games – about $6bn a year – is less than Facebook’s mobile ad revenue. The business model is different – for now: mobile games make their money from in-app purchases, to the tune of $18bn this year, with sales growing 20 per cent annually.雅虎(Yahoo)旗下的分析公司Flurry回应,Android用户用于手机的三分之一时间花上在玩游戏上。


两者商业模式有所不同,最少目前如此:手机游戏广告商通过应用于内消费来赚,今年销售额为180亿美元左右,年度销售增幅约20%。But the growth in mobile ad spending is a lost opportunity for the gaming industry. One reason is that no one has quite figured out how to do mobile game ads well. Banner ads are tacky. And ads that are successful demand a lot of development work – such as the virtual Lexus in Real Racing 3 (by Electronic Arts). Some companies, such as Tencent, eschew ads altogether. But as it is, mobile games are less lucrative than their console counterparts. Average revenue per user in mobile games is only one-tenth of the Arpu for console games, according to Interpret.然而手机广告开支的快速增长对游戏行业是一个错失的机会。原因之一是,还没有人几乎明白该怎么作好手机游戏广告。

横幅广告很俗气。而顺利的广告必须很多研发工作——例如在电子艺界(Electronic Arts)研发的游戏“现实赛车3”中,那款虚拟世界雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车。

有些公司,例如腾讯(Tencent),几乎退出了广告。但就现状而言,手机游戏没游戏机那么有利可图。根据市场研究公司Interpret的数据,每个手机游戏用户产生的平均收入,仅有为游戏机用户的十分之一。True, some gaming groups do mobile better than others. At Electronic Arts, mobile accounts for a fifth of revenues after 30 per cent growth last year. At Activision Blizzard, by contrast, mobile provides just 6 per cent of sales (excluding distribution), and mobile revenues have fallen by half from the same period last year.到底,有些游戏公司做到得较为出众。

在电子艺界,手机游戏收益去年快速增长30%之后,如今占到总收入的五分之一。相比之下,动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)的手机只占到销售的6%(不不含分销),而且手机收益同比上升了一半。But there is a long way to go for the industry as a whole. The prize will be valuable for whoever cracks the code first: Android users spend 37 minutes a day playing mobile games on average, says Flurry. That figure rises to more than 45 minutes daily in the US and Germany. There’s more money here than in just buying extra lives.但对整个行业来说,还有很长的路可回头。


