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本文摘要:Samsung Electronics’ new high-end smartphone will go on sale in China early next week, ahead of any other market except South Korea, as the company tries to steal a march on Apple’s new iPhones and halt its sliding share of the world’s biggest mobile phone market.三星电子(Samsung Electronics)最新款的高端智能手机下周初起将在中国发售。

Samsung Electronics’ new high-end smartphone will go on sale in China early next week, ahead of any other market except South Korea, as the company tries to steal a march on Apple’s new iPhones and halt its sliding share of the world’s biggest mobile phone market.三星电子(Samsung Electronics)最新款的高端智能手机下周初起将在中国发售。该款手机将在韩国亮相,紧接着之后回到中国,早于于其他任何一个海外市场。

三星此举的本意是抢走在苹果(Apple)新款iPhone之前转入中国市场,同时中止自身在这个全球仅次于手机市场份额大大下降的态势。Samsung, the world’s leading smartphone producer by sales, has lost market share in China over the past two years to cheaper homegrown rivals, and in the second quarter gave up the top spot, according to leading research firms.按销量计算出来,三星是全球第一大智能手机生产商。

然而根据主要研究公司的数据,最近两年来,三星在中国的市场份额被更加廉价的中国本土厂商大大蚕食,今年第二季度甚至毁掉了市场大哥的宝座。The Galaxy Note 4 is an upgraded model of Samsung’s large-screen “phablet”. It will go on sale in South Korea on Friday and in China before the end of the month, Samsung said on Wednesday, marking the first time the South Korean smartphone maker has given China priority over other export markets with a new device in the flagship Galaxy range.Galaxy Note 4是三星大屏“平板手机”的Ultra。三星于周三回应,该款手机将于周五在韩国发售,并将于本月底以前在中国发售。

这标志着,三星在发售旗舰Galaxy系列的最新款机型时,首次把中国市场放在了其他出口市场之前。Samsung unveiled the Note 4 on September 4, just five days before Apple announced the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The latter is Apple’s first foray into the phablet segment, which Samsung has dominated since launching the first Galaxy Note in 2011.三星在9月4日公布Note 4,五天后,苹果公布了iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus。

iPhone 6 Plus是苹果首次发售的平板手机产品,而三星自2011年发售首部Galaxy Note以来,仍然在这个领域占有主导地位。Apple says it sold 10m of the new iPhones in the three days after their September 19 launch – a record for the company despite the fact that the phones are not yet for sale in China, where regulators have yet to give final approval for the devices.苹果回应,新款iPhone在9月19日上市后,三天里销售了1000万部。由于中国涉及主管部门仍并未最后批准后这两款手机在中国上市,新款iPhone未在华出售。

尽管如此,苹果公司这次还是刷新了iPhone的最佳销售纪录。While Samsung’s early launch of the Note 4 in China could help mitigate the threat from Apple to its phablet market share, analysts say a more serious problem for Samsung is the success of lower cost Chinese competitors.三星先行在华发售Note 4,可能会有助减低苹果对其平板手机市场份额的威胁。然而分析师回应,对三星来说,更加相当严重的问题是成本较低的中国竞争对手所获得的顺利。

“Chinese phones with the same functions as Samsung’s phones may cost only Rmb3,500 ($570), while Samsung’s cost Rmb5,300,” said Wang Yanhui, secretary-general of the Mobile Phone China Alliance, an industry group. He warned that many Chinese consumers did not consider Samsung’s phones, with impressive technical specifications but pedestrian plastic exteriors, as deserving of a premium price tag.手机中国联盟(Mobile Phone China Alliance)秘书长王艳辉回应:“与某种程度功能的三星手机比起,国产手机的价格有可能只有3500元人民币(合570美元),而三星手机的价格却低约5300元人民币。”他警告说道,许多中国消费者指出三星手机不值那么多钱,因为尽管三星手机的技术规格令人印象深刻印象,却配上了无趣的塑料外壳。

“If it cannot lower its prices, Samsung’s market share in China will soon be washed away by Chinese competitors,” Mr Wang said.王艳辉回应:“如果三星不降价,它在中国的市场份额将迅速被中国竞争对手抢光。”Samsung accounted for nearly a quarter of mobile phone sales in China in late 2011, but that fell to 12 per cent in the third quarter of this year as Samsung was overtaken by Chinese rival Xiaomi, according to the research group Canalys. A separate report from IDC also said Samsung had lost its leading position in the third quarter, but named Lenovo as the new top seller.根据研究机构Canalys的数据,2011年末,三星占到了中国手机销量将近四分之一的份额,但今年第三季度却下降到12%,其市场地位被中国小米(Xiaomi)多达。

由IDC公布的另一份报告也回应,三星在今年第三季度丧失了市场领导地位,不过该报告回应新的销量冠军是误解(Lenovo)。The problems in China have contributed to a broader slowdown for Samsung, which has reported three consecutive quarterly declines in operating profit including a 24 per cent fall in the second quarter.在中国遭遇的问题造成了三星整体业绩的上升,其营业利润倒数三个季度经常出现下降,在今年第二季度上升幅度超过24%。However, Lee Don-joo, president of strategic marketing at Samsung’s mobile phone division, said business conditions were “temporarily difficult”, predicting the Note 4 would “far outsell its predecessor”.然而,三星手机部门战略营销总裁李唐珠(Lee Don-joo)却回应,三星手机业务状况只是遭遇了“继续的艰难”,并应验Note 4“销量将近超强上个版本”。

Samsung shipped 10m units of the Note 3 to vendors in the first two months after its launch last year.Note 3于去年上市,在头两个月里,三星向经销商交付给了1000万部该款手机。“We expect earnings to recover soon, given our technological innovation and strong fundamentals,” Mr Lee said.李唐珠回应:“考虑到我们的技术创新及坚实基础,我们预计盈利将迅速完全恢复。

